October 25th is now officially World Buddy Day at SPEAK, a special date dedicated to spread awareness of the important role that buddies play at SPEAK. Thank you, buddies!

What is the impact buddies are creating at SPEAK? Discover it in World Buddy Day

“I’m grateful for this experience! It was more than a conversation club! It was about people, about the world, worldviews, relationships, about difference and diversity! All this was due to what kind of person Daniela is – open, interesting, loving this world! Thank you so much! ?

Maria, Saint-Petersburg

“I only can say thank you very much to these wonderful people who put their time to help other people achieve their dreams. This is the feeling I have about SPEAK buddies. All of you are like fairies . Thanks to all of you I’m able to understand and even speak a little Portuguese, right now. Muito Obrigada” 

 Ana, Coruña

As you may notice from some of the quotes by our participants, buddies don’t just share languages. They connect with their groups in a different manner than just being their language guide during a session. Also, they learn while they help others learn. They become friends with their group. They create an impact in their participants’ lives.

Celebrating the impact of buddies

Connecting with one another, feeling part of a community, sharing stories that make you laugh or cry, or both at the same time are essential parts of being human. We need to feel that type of connection; especially when our circumstances or decisions have led us to move to a different place, a place where we don’t know the language, the culture, or have a support network within the local community. That is where buddies come in.

Buddies make these relationships happen within their local communities. They change lives without knowing the full extent of their contribution sometimes, and we don’t want this impact to go unnoticed.  

This World Buddy Day, let’s celebrate the wonderful labor of buddies by sharing some of the beautiful messages SPEAKers have sent to their buddies: 

Are you aware of what buddies actually do now?

You can always check our Instagram page if you want to know more about the impact we are trying to create. Feel free to contact us with any questions you have or check out our website to know more about how to join as a buddy!

2 Replies to “World Buddy Day: Celebrating the impact of SPEAK buddies

  1. I was very impressed by the empowerment of my buddies. They spent their free time to share and teach languages . For me it was Portuguese !! Unfortunately too many students weren’t on time and at the lessons !! Without noticed before … despite this lack of savoir vivre from students , buddies have been fantastics !! Congrats for her

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