Fado, a big part of Portuguese culture

Saudade. This one colourful word, a mixture of melancholy, nostalgy, longing and sadness is paired with fado, the genre of music specific for Portugal, always sang by one person, accompanied by two guitars. The lyrics are full of love, longing, fate, the entire game of feelings and emotions. Some people call it the “Portuguese blues”, and I think that is a fair comparison. The word fado itself translates to “fate” but Portuguese rarely use it in this context, leaving it rather for songs lyrics.


Arriving to a new city: 6 tips on how to make your life easier

You have arrived. You’re looking around and you see completely new surroundings, different environment, maybe even totally different flora and fauna. Your suitcases and boxes are looking at you, asking to finally unpack them. What’s happened? Well, it looks like you’ve moved abroad. Maybe you’re thinking “what the hell I’m doing here”? “What have I done”? Don’t worry, that’s normal and soon you will forget these thoughts and start calling the new place “home”.
I’m sure, cause I’ve done that.