Do you know how long was the shortest reign for a King in France? Which square in Madrid is the exact centre of Spain? Or which food the Belgians claim to have invented?


For those of you who missed it, this Saturday SPEAK met up at the gazebo in Jardim da Estrela in Lisbon with some of our fabulous SPEAK Buddies to play a fun cultural game! We chatted with members of the public and put their linguistic and cultural knowledge to the test with our super fun Around the World quiz game! Our aim was to play the game, have some fun, and to introduce SPEAK to more of the community of Lisbon so that we can reach more people with our project. And we had a blast!





We loved this quiz, and we hope to use it in some fun events soon! We always enjoy sharing knowledge of our languages and cultures, and this was a really fun way to do it! Keep an eye on the events page of the portal here to see what events we have coming up, and to get involved!

Em parceria com o Alto Comissariado das Migrações (ACM), e com financiamento do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração (FAMI), o SPEAK está a apoiar a integração de migrantes e refugiados nos cursos de Português e eventos interculturais. No caso específico dos refugiados acolhidos em Portugal, para além da integração em cursos nas cidades SPEAK, têm sido ainda criados grupos específicos noutras áreas geográficas, com o apoio de voluntários locais capacitados com a metodologia SPEAK.

Author: Zoe Ford

Zoe is an intern at SPEAK from England, who loves learning languages and dancing salsa.

Author: Zoe Ford

Zoe is an intern at SPEAK from England, who loves learning languages and dancing salsa.

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