Weather you have just arrived to Aveiro or you have been here for a while, you probably already noticed that it is not really necessary to learn Portuguese in Aveiro.
Usually, the Portuguese people make a ginormous effort to adapt to the accent they are listening to and this is just a sample of how genuinely welcoming these country is. However, your effort to speak the language will surely be appreciated by the locals. This is why you should put an effort to learn Portuguese in Aveiro.
Besides, being the official language in 9 countries and with more than 250 million speakers, Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language in the world! So you might as well grab the challenge and learn Portuguese while you live in Aveiro.

Learning a new language does not have to be a boring thing you only do at a classroom while hearing someone else talk. There are many exciting ways in which a person can immerse themselves into a foreign language.
Here I am enlisting 5 dynamic ways to learn Portuguese in Aveiro while having fun and meeting new people!
Check here ou Blog post with three apps that will help you with vocabulary.
1. The popular global community of Couchsurfing
Gathers open-minded people with an interest of different cultures and with more than 1.500 local hosts, you’ll certainly find someone to connect with. Check it out at:–portugal
2. Have you been to the Teatro Aveirense?
Besides plays, the local theater has an interesting variety of shows ranging from concerts and dance performances to international cinema screenings. All of the movies have Portuguese subtitles, so you just need to pick a movie in your mother language, and you are set! You can check their calendar of events here:
3. Volunteering at one of the amazing local organisations
Agora Aveiro. With more than 10,000 followers, many of them international volunteers, these guys certainly know what they are doing! Besides the TEDxAveiro, they are responsible for the awesome landmark of I AVEIRO on a well-know staircase in the city. If you haven’t take a picture there, you will, soon, believe me? Here’s mine!. You can contact them here:

4. Have you hear about this amazing program, SPEAK?
This social program embraces diversity and promotes the integration of immigrants through language courses and cultural events. Their language exchanges sessions take place twice a month. Hear all about it here: and keep up with the local events:
5. Be more like the Portuguese!
Even if you only know a Portuguese or two, you’ve probably learn that besides being nice, they have a natural aptitude for languages! This is because they are not afraid of trying even if they are not proficient at it. There’s no easiest way to speak a language than just doing precisely that…..speak! Of course in the beginning you will feel nervous and maybe afraid of embarrassing yourself, but most people will help you through your communication problems.
No link needed on this one, just go outside and choose one of the many, many coffeeshops in town, or even better, the city’s public spaces. Here’s my personal favorite: Largo de São Sebastião.

So here you have them, what do you think about the goal to learn Portuguese in Aveiro? Have you tried them all? Of course, for each person the results may be different since most of them depend on the availability and also personality of the user, so, share your experience, were this useful or otherwise? Can you think of another activity to add to the list?
Keep it up and in no-time you will be able to say “O rato roeu a rolha da garrafa do rei da Russia”.
Lastly, check out this video –
Em parceria com o Alto Comissariado das Migrações (ACM), e com financiamento do Fundo para o Asilo, a Migração e a Integração (FAMI), o SPEAK está a apoiar a integração de migrantes e refugiados nos cursos de Português e eventos interculturais. No caso específico dos refugiados acolhidos em Portugal, para além da integração em cursos nas cidades SPEAK, têm sido ainda criados grupos específicos noutras áreas geográficas, com o apoio de voluntários locais capacitados com a metodologia SPEAK.
hi, i am looking for a short term language class in Aveiro. i will be in here around two weeks each month. is there any recommendation or do you host the classes ?
Hi there,
the groups we have run throughout 12 weeks and happen every week for 1,5 hours. You can check here the calendar and see if any fits your schedule –
Let us know if you need anything else,