3 reasons why you should take SPEAK to your city

Imagine that you crossed paths with SPEAK. You liked the idea, connecting newcomers & locals living in the same city inspires you for many different reasons. You want your city to accept, value and empower cultural diversity but you are a doer and you don’t stand for “hope”. Guess what, now you can. We just launched a new program  – Take SPEAK to your city! -. You can now create your SPEAK.

Volunteer @ Cascais

We are trying to help more in Cascais and WE NEED YOU. We are looking for a few volunteers to share their knowledge about their culture, language and world. Are you up for the challenge? SPEAK already supported 3700 migrants from 74 different countries. Apply here and join us!

A Flor de Cerejeira Sakura no Japão

A Cerejeira / Flor de Cerejeira é, para o povo japonês, um símbolo da beleza da vida e da sua fragilidade uma vez que o período de floração das cerejeiras é muito curto tendo uma duração de sensivelmente 7 dias.

Esta maravilha natural começa no sul do Japão, onde o clima é mais quente, e continua para norte onde o clima é muito frio e por isso, o período de floração começa mais tarde.

SPEAK Caldas – testing scalability

We have been working to make all management and operational processes the most agile, simple and consistent possible, to make it easier to replicate SPEAK in different geografies. It’s time for testing before scaling up! For the first time we are replicating SPEAK in one new geography – Caldas da Rainha.

An agile partnership – OutSystems

OutSystems does not follow many rules, but they do follow this one. They believe that one of the tricks to success is choosing the right thing to do, then doing it in a simple yet complete manner. This is how they help companies in delivering enterprise applications that are built-to-change at the speed of business.

Social Impact of SPEAK Leiria – 2nd Semester 12′

In SPEAK it is vital to measure the social impact and understand if the project is achieving its goal – to integrate immigrants, empower individuals and communities, break down prejudices, misconceptions and promote greater understanding and cooperation between cultures.
In this post we show a summary of the measurements we did to evaluate the success of SPEAK Leiria during the second semester of 2012.